Thursday, August 7, 2014



This one has turned out to be a hard one to Crack!

"Equality" is most probably the Biggest Deception of The Century!!! and it is Sooo ingrained into People's minds that I find the weirdest Cognitive Dissonance and Resistance even from People/Friends that are sort of Awakening...
Our "Democracies", modern Law, and many aspects of our modern life, have been founded on these principles of "Equality"...
Let's see if it is that I am the only one to see it as it is...

We Are NOT Equal!!! Our very own fingerprints and irises are the living proof!
We Are UNIQUE!!!
If we were "equal", we would be marching in platoons, like they do in the army...

Each and Every Single One of Us is a Unique Expression of The Divine with Unlimited Value and Infinite Potential, that manifests through Infinite Imagination, Infinite Creativity and Infinite Ability to DO the most Amazing Things with our Bodies, Hands, Fingers, Eyes, Feet.. etc...
Now... This obviously creates a Huge Problem for the Cabal/Slave Masters... How could they ever Extract Value and Enslave Unlimited BEings???? Impossible!!!
So... they created one of the largest scale Deceptions Ever... "EQUALITY"!!!
They made us believe that we are all "Equal" and that we all have "Equal" Rights, and that we have the right to vote in a "democracy", and that we are all supposed to behave like Sheeeeep and that Jesus is "our shepherd"!!!!!... NOOOO!!!!
No Matter how Hard I can Ever Try... I Will NEVER EVER, EVER, Be "Equal" to You!!! Neither will you be "Equal" to me!!!  We Are UNIQUE!!! Not Superior! Nor Inferior! UNIQUE!!!

You see, We Are, Each and Every Single One of Us, Male and Female, Created SOVEREIGN! and as Created We are also Creators as we DO and we BE!!!
And I Respect, Admire and LOVE You for Your UNIQUENESS!!! and I hope you feel the same towards me too! if you don't... Oh Well... Though Luck! My Life will carry on ... UN-Disturbed! as I Own It!!!

Can You See The Deception Now??? Mass Mind Control!!! I Have NO Doubt!!!
The next one is the Hypocrisy of "Democracy"... but I don't even want to go there at this point...

We Are ONE!